Monday, November 19, 2007

Back to the really important stuff

April has reminded me that I haven't said anything about my knitting for a very long time. All this putting the house on the market and preparing to move has taken over a lot of these things, but I am just now starting to get a bit of time to fiddle around with yarn again.

I'm not doing any serious yarn projects at the moment (tho I do have a few sitting in the background waiting for me to get back to them - Rogue jumper, I'm talking about you). What I am doing is a whole bunch of crazy fuzzy rectangles in preparation for my going away knit-tagging party that I'll be having when I leave Sydney sometime in the next 2 months.

This is what I've done so far. You can see that tastefulness is not an issue!! The only requirement here is that the wool is cheap and bright. Let's face it, if you're going to be wrapping a street pole with it, you don't want to be spending money on it!:


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Neatness saboteur

Still cleaning like crazy, ready for real estate agents to come through tomorrow.

I mentioned to Hubby that he would have to go through his bits and bobs (toothbrushes, aftershave, etc) that were crowding the top of the bathroom cabinet, and find a home for them.

The one item he felt was appropriate to leave there? Well I guess it is appropriate for a mirror you brush your teeth in:


Saturday, November 03, 2007


Nearly a month since I last blogged! And what have I been doing in that time? Well, I can say that I have literally been too busy to blog (usually when I say this it's just an excuse for being lazy - finally it's true).

Hubby and I have been working like beavers to get our place ready to go on the market. We decided at the outset that we were going to do a deep clean this time. Every other move has been a matter of shoving whatever you find into a box and chucking it onto a truck. This time we have been Buddhist monks about it and sat down with just about every object in the house and counselled ourselves on whether we really need that item, and in some cases shut our eyes and cast it into the thrift box hoping that we will forget how attached to that thing we were. Letting go can be tough.

Some things had to go into storage, and into the garage, but all in all I think we've done a pretty good job. Things still need doing, like putting pictures up on the wall (something we never seemed to get round to) but those of you who have seen our flat before will know what a mammoth task it was to get things to this level:

By the way, do you like my new little friend? She's a goodbye gift from a work friend, and perfect company for sewing adventures:
