Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I just got a moment to run out and feed the fish and found the pond completely drained and all 14 fish dead in the mud at the bottom. A couple of weeks ago the pond started to spring a leak which was slow at first but picked up speed while we were too busy looking after the bub to deal with it. I was keeping up with it for a while with the hose, but I had a few days there where she was just taking up every moment and I forgot about them. And now they're dead. All of them. I am a fish murderer. Trust me, you don't want the photo for this one.


Anonymous d-fu said...

oh poo. On the good side, you could blend them up and feed them to the garden (!). Though yeah, that would be pretty gross. These things happen I guess, will be easy enough to find the leak and then replace the fishies. Happy to help - will call you later.

1:04 pm  

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