Thursday, October 05, 2006


...or should I say souveneired. The swannies knit-tag I left the other day is gone! About 5ish last night I went past on my way to the gym and noticed that someone had had a go at getting it down, but given up and instead refashioned it to fit around the pedestrian press-button. It looked pretty cute that way and I was going to post it as graffiti that had been graffitied! But on my return from the gym it was completely gone. There were a bunch of guys dressed in swannies colours (for some reason since the game was last weekend and they lost!) hanging around a few feet away peering into the Channel 7 newsroom...wonder if one of them is taking home a souveneir!


Blogger Carla said...

how flattering! :)

2:53 pm  

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