Monday, November 27, 2006

Quick breather between takes

It's funny how the busiest times in your life appear on a blog to be the quietest. The times when you are making loads of crafty stuff is the time when nothing craft related gets posted, partly coz you're so busy doing them but also coz you can't blog projects that are being given to people who read! I guess that explains why I haven't blogged in so long and also why I haven't told anyone about the things I have been making. Some of them I still can't show, but there are a few things I can now. Like this for example:

This is the first time I have ever quilted anything. OK it's not a full quilting job (and please excuse the fact that it hadn't been ironed yet in this shot) - it's only the top half. It was designed to be the altarcloth for Meg's wedding and had to be flat enough for people to sign documents on so it couldn't have a bulky padding on the back. Still, I found this half-a-job to be one of the most challenging sewing projects I've ever done. I never realised how much went into designing even a basic pattern, getting all the colours right and sitting in the right place, and getting all the measurements and cuts right. Just making the finished product end up not slightly wonky was enough to send me bonkers, and I had a couple of moments sitting at the machine or at the cutting table where I'd turn round to Hubby and declare in defeat, "Nup, I'm screwed, this isn't gonna work". But I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out and now feel I've crossed that scary "But what if I fail?" barrier into the world of quilting. I will definitely be doing more of that in the future. I don't know how many of my readers are into quilting and sewing, but I think there will have more of a focus on that in my blog for a while as knitting hasn't been inspiring me much lately.

Anyway, for now I'm focusing on getting to Christmas without going crazy. This year we have decided to take it easy. Instead of the usual last minute rush and long drive to see family, we are posting pressies out and heading for 3 weeks in Tassie just the two of us, camping and riding the mountain biking trails. Very relaxing, but still, I have so many projects I have to finish before I get to go away. Most of them are Christmas presents, but some of them are very overdue gifts for other occasions that had to go on the backburner to make way for other things. I hate that there are only 24 hours in a day sometimes! Here's something that's on the way:

You know those big green shopping bags you get from Coles? Yeah, well this is made from a pattern I made off one of those. I love those bags - they're a really good sturdy shape, but damn that green is ugly. This is only half made so far. The lining will be white and I've yet to make some handles. The picture on the front is made using a printable transfer and the picture is a still recorded on the computer from digital telly from a Sarah Blasko video. The video shows nature being taken over by industry, which I think is a very appropriate notion for a recyclable shopping bag.

Other things I am making include this small bag decorated with a stencil design. It's in pretty rough form here but you get the picture. This is one of the very late presents I was talking about:

Since coming back to it and looking at it with fresh eyes, I think it looks to big and bloomery and the neck too narrow for it to be useful. So I think I have to fiddle with it a bit. That turquoise thing you see laying behind it is the lining.

I think that's all I can tell you about for now as I have to keep some things secret, but before I go I have to direct everyone over to Libby's to get hold of her Fabulous Butter Cake Recipe. This was one of the cakes we served at Meg's hen's do, and my personal favourite. We put it with Nigella's basic vanilla butter icing and blueberries on top:

served with tea and shiny things, mmm...shiiiiiny:


Blogger Carla said...

That altarcloth quilt is absolutely beautiful Beck, I'm sure it made a lovely and welcomed addition to Meg's wedding. That butter cake recipe is pretty yummy isn't it? My thighs are bearing the consequences of me making that a little too frequently lately!!

10:21 am  
Blogger Rebecca said...

i know what you mean, i made them again on the weekend - i'm trying not to think about all that butter.....

10:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see you posting again - I've missed reading of your latest interests.

The quilt looks great, like "treasured for all time through the generations heirloom" great, and I like the bags too, even though I'm a heterosexual male with no taste or experience in fashion accessorising. Seriously though, they look like quality items. Yay you, you crafty lil' critter you.

3:13 pm  
Blogger Libby said...

Hey! Don't blame me for any thunder thighs girls!!!

The cakes seriously are good though, aren't they?? I'm glad everyone likes the recipe.

7:20 pm  
Blogger Libby said...

Oh - and that altar quilt is stunning!!!

Where did you find that beautiful material?

7:21 pm  
Blogger Rebecca said...

thanks everyone for the really nice comments :) libby, the black/red flower print was the inspiration - it's a robert kauffman fabric i got online at the green silk shantung and the red/black tweed were lincraft, and the red/white flower print and the dark red taffeta were spotlight. i think picking the fabrics was the hardest part as i am style-challenged. colour coordination does not come naturally to some of us :)

11:29 am  
Blogger Meg said...

Hi there - just back from honeymoon in tassie and waving my humble little hand up here to say how stunning the quilt is in person! It is truly a work of art!

8:45 pm  

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