Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Morning sickness is, in a way, a rite of passage. It just doesn't feel like you're going to be a mum until the nausea appears. I may now say that I well and truly feel like motherhood is just around the corner, thanks to a morning spent driving the porcelain bus. Beep, beep!

Sadly, this little reminder of what's to come is hanging around with me all day and even now at dinner time I can't think of a single thing I want to put in my mouth and actually, you know, swallow. Except for Old Jamaica chocolate! In fact it actually seems to taste better than it did before.

Still better pop the choc down and go look for something with a non bleurgh-worthy high-nutrient vegetabley type content. Something with a low Puke Possibility Factor. Hey, you must be glad there aren't any pics with today's post.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh. Go the chocolate I say!! I have at some point during each of my 3 pregnancies, gone through a stage of living on shit food (because not much else didn't make me feel nauseous or puke...and that was just thinking about eating it!). This time I have had a pizza phase, McDonalds, Hungry Jacks, KFC, um....yeah LOL.
I say if the thought of eating it doesn't make you feel nauseous and it stays down, eat it :p

You have much sympathy from me...28wks and still dealing with nausea. (and not one ounce pessimistic, LOL)


8:25 pm  

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