Friday, October 28, 2005

What will you do with yours?

This is the question being asked by CanTeen today for their annual National Bandanna Day.
CanTeen is the Aussie organisation for young people living with cancer, aimed at providing support to young people (aged 12-24) with cancer, their friends, families, and carers.
This year the bandannas have been designed by Industrie so they are fun looking, and since they're available at Woollies, they're super easy to get hold of so there's no excuse!

So the question remains, what will you do with yours? None of this boring tying it round your head or arm like everyone else. Sew or otherwise reconfigure it into something new and original that people will see! What will it be - a pencil case? a doggy jacket? a tote bag? (post a comment with ideas - no idea too daggy).

I've got mine and will be exhibiting soon.


Blogger Carla said...

okay - well I've done my bit for canteen - who else out there is game??

5:38 pm  

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