Thursday, November 24, 2005

Holy crap it's Christmas

Well, it nearly is, and I have over committed myself...again. Every year this happens. I promise to make people little pieces of craftiness for Christmas and then put it off repeatedly, then discover right at the last minute that there's no way humanly possible that I can get it all made in the time I have left, so I end up madly shopping instead.

Last year I decided I would knit for every person in the entire extended family. I bought the yarn for two projects. I started one of them, hated how it turned out, and put it in the too hard basket. A year later and it's still there. What I did manage last year was sewing up a few handbags and knitting bags at the last minute. I think sewing for Christmas is a much smarter option for me because if I work intensively I can usually get a bunch of things knocked over in a weekend or two. I hope my recipients don't feel any less loved for me not spending several weeks in torture just for them.

My recipients, however, know what they are getting this year. And this is the other trick to getting myself to complete things. When people know they are getting something, the PRESSURE IS ON!

However, that doesn't mean they're allowed to see the gift in process. So that means for the next couple of weeks before we go on holidays in Queensland to see the family, I will be providing diversional posts! I will be posting propoganda cover stories on "things that I am currently crafting" while all the time sneaking away into my craft bunker to toil on the real projects. This is all part of my mind-bogglingly sneaky ploy to keep my real craft goings-on a secret.

However, this is only until all gifts have been handed out. (And, of course, recieved with squeals of joy. Of course.) Because once this is done, I will be presenting an electronic catwalk of goodies. In the meantime, and for some creative inspiration from an unusual source, here's a time warp back to last Christmas, mucking around with the camera and Hubby's mum's kaleidoscope:


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