Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A virtual tour of Kiama including yarn shop (naturally)

Hubby and I finally found a house we rather fancied on Saturday, but had to get away and do all that serious thinking type stuff about what offer to make, which mortgage to sign up to, whether or not to promise first born. So we drove down to Kiama on the NSW South Coast. Of course, it pissed down 90% of the time but it was actually kind of a good thing as it gave us an excuse to languish in cafes and do a bit of navel gazing about the house situation. Naturally, I took a bucketload of photos in which you may note the many splendours of the location...

The whales that fling themselves into the air with gay abandon when not being photographed, but which taunt mercilessly from beneath the grey waters as soon as the camera is raised:

The blowhole for which Kiama is famous, and which normally spurts water high enough into the air that a couple of years ago a news story broke that two teenagers "enjoying each other's company" on the rock face were blown right off the rock causing, as you can imagine, some rather nasty, and private, injuries. No such luck for us though. We saw hole, but no blow (ahem):

Misty views of the coastline:

The local council's saucy suggestion for disabled parkers:

The obligatory lighthouse shot:

Scary looking cliffs:

Another obligatory "coastal scene" shot:

And of course (yes you knew it had to be in there somewhere) the local yarn peddlars. This was the busiest small town yarn store I have ever seen, and yet the selection was fairly limited. They must have figured out exactly what the locals and occasional tourist wanted and had stocked the shop with that and only that. I must admit though that they were cheap (I will not speak of the unleashing of my bank account in that store. Nor shall we ever speak of this again. Ahem.). I even saw evidence of local knitters in one of the cafes we stopped in. A woman was doing some gorgeous and rather complicated looking lace in a nice seaside blue, so I pulled my knitting out too in solidarity. No pics of that though.

End of slide show. Please feel free to talk amongst yourselves.


Blogger Carla said...

hey - great shots - or you know, they would have been if you'd captured what you were trying to HA HA HA..... and the wheelchair signage WTF??? ;)

10:24 am  

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